Thursday, February 28, 2008

Help us make our voice louder!

Dear friends,

We are working hard to find a way to produce a promotional video for The Niapele Project - this would be an amazing tool for us, and allow us to reach so many more potential supporters!

Ayoka Productions, a young non-profit which provides video production services to grass roots organization, has agreed to produce this for us, but we need to raise $1,500 to cover the costs.

Donations of every size make a true difference - chip in today!

With sincere thanks - The Niapele Project Team and Ayoka Prod.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Donate your old laptop to The Niapele Project!

Our nutrition consulant in Buduburam, Adam Sandow, performs critical work for us - he is in charge of collecting quantitative data to assess the impact of the School Feeding Program on the 550+ elementary school students who benefit from it.

Adam Sandow, performing the clinical eval for the School Feeding Program

He currently uses a shared computer at the camp clinic, but he could REALLY use a laptop, so he can bring it with him when he performs data collection, work from home, etc. He is a really amazing Ghanaian guy - extremely well educated and dedicated to helping those in need. We are truly honored to have him as part of our team.

**If you have an old laptop that you don't know what to do with - send it our way!**

Celina and Penelope will be returning to Ghana for the month of April, and we hope to be able to give him his laptop then.

Thank you for your help!


The Niapele Project Team

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A New Partnership

The Niapele Project is proud to announce that we have been invited to become a member of CSAfrica, a collaboration of non-profit organizations offering sustainable solutions for grass-roots initiatives to empower the people and communities of Africa.

CSAfrica is a forum for NGOs and nonprofits which share common ideals and goals to come together and cooperate - we look forward to working alongside other member organizations and our partners in the field to develop and implement holistic, sustainable initiatives that result in a brighter future for deprived African communities.

To learn more about CSAfrica, visit:


The Niapele Project Team

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Moving forward with the water/sanitation project for ARCH!

Kevin Hill visited Buduburam for the first time in October 2007 on a field mission for a fabulous organization called Journalists for Human Rights. He published a story and made a short documentary about ARCH, highlighting the difficulties of a community based project of attaining sustainability. You can watch the movie here, or read the story here.

Kevin just donated a 1800 liter polytank (water tank), which is a huge step forward in implementing the water/sanitation project for ARCH. On behalf of ARCH and The Niapele Project, we wish to thank Kevin for his generosity and continued involvement.

His donation will allow the ARCH family to have a constant supply of clean water, which will make cooking, cleaning and washing much easier - and safer tasks.

Big cheers to Kevin from all of us at Niapele!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thank yous and good luck!

Ben with the ARCH Family

The Niapele Project wishes to express its most sincere thanks to Ben Molland, who acted as our field coordinator from December 2007 through February 2008. Ben was our first field representative, and he did a fantastic job laying the groundwork for future Niapele field coordinators.

Ben worked with our partners with a great spirit - he was proactive, efficient and made a huge difference for Niapele initiatives in Buduburam.

So, dearest Ben, while we know you suffered from heat, lack of electricity and constant email harassment from Celina and I, we cannot overstate how deeply thankful we are for your work. We hope that you will remain connected to the Niapele family!

Our new field coordinator, Jessica Leombruno, will be arriving at the refugee settlement on February 13th - while Jessica has big shoes to fill, we are confident that she will be just as fabulous as Ben. Best of luck Jess, and most of all, enjoy yourself!

Friday, February 8, 2008

The School Feeding Program - in pictures

Make a true difference - $60 per year to feed a child every day!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

GiveMeaning to The Niapele Project

Check out our newest fundraising platform at GiveMeaning - besides making a donation, we are very grateful to people who blog for us and help us spread the word.

We're very excited about this new partnership which we hope will increase our visibility, and increase our pool of friends and supporters.

Through GiveMeaning, we will be fundraising specifically for a water/sanitation project for the Abandoned Refugee Children's Home - we will post details about this new initiative shortly!

Visit the page, check it out!

Thanks for helping us make a difference i
n the lives of refugee children.

Welcome to The Niapele Project News Blog!

From now on, The Niapele Project will be using this blog to keep its friends, supporters and partners up to date on Niapele news!

We will post photos, videos as well as discuss the most recent, exciting news about our initiatives.

To stay current, subscribe via email or to the RSS feed - you will never miss an exciting piece of Niapele news.


The Niapele Project Team