Thursday, February 21, 2008

Donate your old laptop to The Niapele Project!

Our nutrition consulant in Buduburam, Adam Sandow, performs critical work for us - he is in charge of collecting quantitative data to assess the impact of the School Feeding Program on the 550+ elementary school students who benefit from it.

Adam Sandow, performing the clinical eval for the School Feeding Program

He currently uses a shared computer at the camp clinic, but he could REALLY use a laptop, so he can bring it with him when he performs data collection, work from home, etc. He is a really amazing Ghanaian guy - extremely well educated and dedicated to helping those in need. We are truly honored to have him as part of our team.

**If you have an old laptop that you don't know what to do with - send it our way!**

Celina and Penelope will be returning to Ghana for the month of April, and we hope to be able to give him his laptop then.

Thank you for your help!


The Niapele Project Team

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